Ground-breaking of the National Highway 6 renovation and expansion project, the section from Ba La to Xuan Mai, City. Hanoi

On the morning of December 3, 2022, at Phu Nghia industrial cluster, Chuong My district, leaders of the Hanoi People’s Committee and the Hanoi Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board held the ground-breaking ceremony of the National Highway 6 renovation and expansion project, section from Ba La to Xuan Mai. On the morning of December…

Boosting Progress of Ring Road 4 Construction Project – Hanoi Metropolis

From 24/11/2022 to 25/11/2022, Mr. Dinh Tien Dung, Politburo member, Hanoi City Communist Party Committee’s Secretary, Head of Steering Committee for Ring Road 4 Construction Project – Hanoi Metropolitan Area, together with a mission including representatives fr26om ministries, departments, agencies, local governments of Hanoi city, Hung Yen province, Bac Ninh province, and the Consultant –…

TEDI cooperates with UTRACON and DYWIDAG to organize a Workshop on post-tensioning and geotechnical solutions in slope reinforcement, road tunnels and railway tunnels

On November 25, 2022, Transport Design Consultancy Corporation – JSC (TEDI) in association with UTRACON and DYWIDAG held a Workshop on post-tensioning and geotechnical solutions in reinforcement of slopes and tunnels. railways and tunnels. TEDI engineers attending the seminar listened to representatives of UTRACON and DYWIDAG present on the following topics: – Introduction of DYWIDAG’s…

Conference on Investment in Inland Waterway Infrastructure in the Northern Region

On November 17, at the Maritime University (Hai Phong city), the Conference on Investment in Inland Waterway Infrastructure (IWT) in the North was organized by the Vietnam Inland Waterway Administration. Speaking at the conference, Director of the Vietnam Inland Waterway Administration Bui Thien Thu emphasized the potential and advantages of water transport. In particular, with…

Ground Breaking Ceremony of the Western Ring Road Project of Can Tho City

Sáng 17/11, trong chương trình công tác tại Cần Thơ, Thủ tướng Chính phủ Phạm Minh Chính dự khởi công dự án Đường Vành đai phía Tây thành phố Cần Thơ (nối Quốc lộ 91 và Quốc lộ 61C). Cùng dự có lãnh đạo các ban, bộ, ngành Trung ương và lãnh đạo thành phố; đại diện các nhà thầu tư vấn thiết kế, giám sát, nhà thầu thi công dự án và đông đảo nhân dân thành phố Cần Thơ và tỉnh Hậu Giang.

TEDI engineers are dedicated to the North-South Expressway project

Hiện tại, toàn ngành Giao thông vận tải (GTVT) đang dồn toàn lực để triển khai đồng loạt Dự án Đường bộ cao tốc Bắc – Nam giai đoạn 2017 – 2020 và 2021 – 2025, với yêu cầu vừa đảm bảo tiến độ thi công giai đoạn 1, vừa đảm bảo tiến độ công tác triển khai chuẩn bị đầu tư dự án giai đoạn 2 để sớm nối thông toàn tuyến cao tốc Bắc – Nam góp phần thay đổi căn bản diện mạo về hạ tầng giao thông, thúc đẩy phát triển kinh tế – xã hội, đảm bảo quốc phòng an ninh…

The 31st regular conference on cooperation between Transport Engineering Design Inc (TEDI) and Lao Engineering Transport Consultants (LTEC)

The 31st regular conference on cooperation between Transport Engineering Design Inc (TEDI) and Lao Engineering Transport Consultants (LTEC) was held from October 21 to 22, 2022, in Vientiane Capital, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, . At the meeting, Mr. Pham Huu Son – General Director of TEDI congratulated Mr. Vandy VORASACK on his appointment to the…

TEDI leaders attended a meeting with AutoDesk representatives in Vietnam about BIM application in the transportation industry

On October 14, 2022, Transport Engineering Design Inc (TEDI) had a meeting with the representative of AutoDesk Office in Ho Chi Minh City (Authorized Representative of AutoDesk Software Firm in Vietnam) about BIM application in the transportation industry. The engineers attending the meeting listened to the representative of AutoDesk Office in Ho Chi Minh City…

TEDI attended the inauguration ceremony of Le Van Luong – Vanh Dai 3 underground tunnel construction project

On October 5, 2022, Hanoi Traffic Construction Investment Project Management Board held the inauguration ceremony of Le Van Luong – Vanh Dai 3 underground tunnel. This is a key traffic project. of the City to solve traffic congestion and conflicts at the intersection of Le Van Luong – To Huu Street with Ring Road 3.…