The Vientiane – Thakhek – Mu Gia – Vung Ang has total length of 560km (110km long is under Vietnamese territory and remaining 450km is under Laos territory). The two governments plan to promote implementation of the project to soon put into operation the Thakhek – Mu Gia – Tan Ap – Vung Ang section to meet the needs of goods and passengers transportation in order to boost socio-economic growth. The Lao Government has assigned Petroleum Trading Lao Public Company to complete a feasibility study of the route under Laos territory (Thakhek – Laos – Vietnam border) to submit to the Laos authorities for approval. At present, the investor wishes to research and complete the remaining section under the Vietnamese territory.
Implementing cooperation between Petroleum Trading Lao Public Company and Transport Engineering Design Inc. (TEDI), from 17th December 2019 to 20th December 2019, Mr. Dao Ngoc Vinh – Deputy Director General of TEDI led the TEDI Study Team (including experts from Marketing & Project Formation Dept. and engineers from Road & Railway Consultant Division) to carry out the site visit for the Project, section Mu Gia – Vung Ang. The Study Team visited, checked and evaluated existing general route alignment and station locations of the previous studies, as well as studied more options for route alignment and station locations which would be proposed in the coming study.
Accoridng to preliminary study results, it is shown that the alignment in the pre-FS prepared in 2004 is quite long. The section from Khe Ve to Khe Dinh is likely to require large volumes of bridges and tunnels. For the alignment studied in 2017 by KOICA, the length of the route is short but the volume of tunnel works is very large.
On that basis, the Study Team expanded the inspection scope, especially the section from Khe Ve to Vung Ang to propose some new route options. Preliminary calculations shown that the proposed new alignment can overcome the shortcomings of previous studies.
On the occasion of the working visit of Laos Ministry of Public Works and Transport with the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam, the Petroleum Trading Lao Public Company and TEDI signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 22nd December 2019 on cooperation agreement to study the project on the territory of Vietnam.